Best 140 Positive Words that Start with L to Make Your Life Better

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Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by Eventful Words

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes it can be difficult to maintain a positive mindset. However, one way to boost your mood and outlook is by incorporating positive language into your daily life. Words have the power to influence our thoughts and emotions, so why not choose ones that inspire joy, love, and hope? 

In this article, we’ll explore a list of positive words that start with the letter L. We’ll also provide their definitions.

These words can be used in conversations, affirmations, and even in your writing to infuse more positivity into your life. So, let’s dive in and discover how these words can help make your day-to-day experiences brighter and more fulfilling.

List of Positive Words that Start with L

Best List of Positive Words that Start with L pin

Words have the power to uplift, inspire, and motivate us. They can help us see the world in a different light and give us the courage to pursue our dreams. If you’re looking for positive words that start with the letter L, you’ve come to the right place. 

There are many positive words beginning with L. From love to laughter, here are some of the most uplifting and inspiring words starting with L in the English language,

1. Laconic – using very few words to express what you mean

2. Laconism – brevity or terseness of expression or style

3. Lady – a polite and respectful way to address a woman or girl

4. Ladylike – appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl

5. Laid-back – relaxed and easygoing

6. Landmark – an event, discovery, or change marking an important stage or turning point in something

7. Large – big in size or amount

8. Large-hearted – sympathetic and generous

9. Largesse – generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others

10. Lark – something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade

11. Lasting – enduring for a long period of time

12. Latest – the most recent news or fashion

13. Latitude – the power or freedom to act according to one’s own will

14. Laud – to express approval of; praise

15. Laudable – deserving praise; commendable; admirable

16. Laugh – the act of making a sound with the mouth, expressing joy or amusement

17. Laughter – the act of laughing; amusement

18. Laureate – a person or thing that is honored for great achievement or excellence

19. Lavish – extremely generous in giving or entertaining; extravagant

20. Lavishness – the quality or fact of being free or wasteful in the expenditure of money

21. Law-abiding – obedient to the laws of society

22. Lawful – conforming to or allowed

23. Lead – to guide, direct, or influence in a particular way; to take charge

24. Leader – a person in control of a group, country, or situation

25. Leadership – the ability to motivate, guide, and direct others in a positive direction

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dandelion flower

26. Leading – most important

27. Leading-edge – modern; the leading or most important part of a movement

28. Lean – characterized by economy such as style, expression, or operation

29. Leap – jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force

30. Learn – gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in something by study, experience, or being taught

31. Learned – a person having much knowledge acquired by study

32. Learner – a person who is learning a subject or skill

33. Leeway – freedom to act within particular limits

34. Legacy – something that is a part of your history

35. Legend – a person or thing with an illustrious reputation

36. Legendary – of, relating to, or characteristic of legendary times or traditions; remarkable and inspiring

37. Leisure – freedom from occupation or business; time at one’s disposal for rest and relaxation

38. Leisured – having ample leisure, especially through being rich

39. Leisurely – acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed

40. Legal – permitted by law

41. Legit – true; genuine; real

42. Legitimacy – conformity to the law or to rules; ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity

43. Legitimate – conforming to the law or to rules; to make lawful

44. Legitimize – make legal

45. Leisure – free time

46. Leisured – having ample leisure, especially through being rich

47. Leisurely – acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed

48. Lend – to give something temporarily to someone else, with the expectation that it will be returned

49. Lender – an organization or person that lends money

50. Leniency – punished less severely than would be expected

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colourful dandelion

51. Lenient – more merciful or tolerant than expected

52. Lenity – kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it

53. Lesson – a unit of teaching that focuses on an idea, skill, or concept

54. Lettered – having or displaying advanced knowledge or education

55. Level-headed – calm and sensible

56. Leverage – the capacity to influence others through the exertion of power

57. Levity – lightness of mind or spirit; playful behavior.

58. Liaison – communication between people who work with each other

59. Liberal – willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas

60. Liberate – to set free from confinement, slavery, oppression, or restraint

61. Liberation – the act of setting someone free from oppression, slavery, or confinement

62. Liberator – one who sets others free from bondage, oppression, or restraint

63. Liberty – the right to act, speak, and think freely without hindrance or restraint

64. License – freedom to behave as one wishes

65. Life – one or more aspects of the process of living

66. Lifeline – a thing on which someone depends or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation

67. Lifesaver – someone that gives you a lot of help when you are in a very difficult situation

68. Lift – to raise or move something to a higher position

69. Light – something that makes things visible or affords illumination

70. Lighten – to become glad or hopeful

71. Light-hearted – free from worry, anxiety, and care; jolly

72. Light-footed – moving easily

73. Lightsome – having or showing a good mood or disposition

74. Likable – pleasant and agreeable; easy to like or get along with

75. Like – to find agreeable or enjoyable; to have positive feelings about something

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beautiful colourful dandelion

76. Likeminded – having similar tastes or opinions

77. Limber – able to bend easily without breaking

78. Limitless – without limit or boundary

79. Linchpin – someone vital to an enterprise or organization

80. Lionhearted – very brave

81. Lionize –  give a lot of public attention and approval to someone; treat as a celebrity

82. Lissome – attractively thin and able to move quickly and smoothly

83. Listen – to pay attention to sound with the intent of deriving meaning or understanding

84. Listener – one who listens to someone or something

85. Lithe – young, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly

86. Livable – suitable for living in, on, or with

87. Live – existing in fact or reality

88. Lively – full of energy and activity; spirited

89. Liveliness – the quality of being outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic

90. Live-wire – an alert, active, or aggressive person

91. Living – containing life; having vital force, energy, and action

92. Loadstar – one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide

93. Lofty – elevated in position; ambitious

94. Logic – the reasoned process for arriving at a conclusion based on facts, observations, and assumptions

95. Logical – based on or using sound reasoning; rational

96. Long-lasting – existing or continuing for a long time

97. Long-lived – having a long life: living a long time; lasting a long time

98. Long-standing – long duration

99. Longevity – prolonged life; lasting for an extended period of time

100. Longing – a strong desire especially for something unattainable; craving

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beautiful dandelion

101. Loquacious – talkative; fond of using many words

102. Loud – characterized by or making much noise; forceful and intense

103. Lovable – having qualities that attract affection

104. Love – a strong feeling of affection and care for another person

105. Love affair –  romantic attachment or episode between lovers; a lively enthusiasm

106. Lovebirds – people who are lovers; people who are in a romantic relationship

107. Lovely – pleasing to the eye or ear; attractive and endearing

108. Lover – someone who likes a specified thing

109. Loving – feeling or showing love; affectionate

110. Loving-kindness – tender and benevolent affection

111. Love nest – a place used for amorous and often illicit rendezvous

112. Lovesome – lovely, affectionate, amorous

113. Low-key – of low intensity; restrained

114. Low-risk – not likely to result in failure, harm, or injury; not having a lot of risks

115. Loyal – faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product

116. Loyalty – faithful support or allegiance to a person, organization, or cause

117. Lucent – glowing with or giving off light

118. Lucid – clear, intelligible; easily understood

119. Lucidity – clearness of expression; transparency and straightforwardness

120. Luck – an outcome that is seemingly beyond one’s control

121. Lucky – having, bringing, or resulting from good luck

122. Ludic – of, relating to, or characterized by play

123. Lull – to cause someone to feel calm or to feel that they want to sleep

124. Luminance – the amount of light that is emitted from a body or surface

125. Luminary – a person of prominence or brilliant achievement

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dandelion seed

126. Luminescent – emitting a soft light; shining softly

127. Luminous – shedding or reflecting light; radiating brightness

128. Luminosity – relative brightness of something

129. Luscious – having a pleasant sweet taste or containing a lot of juice

130. Lush – rich in beauty and full of natural abundance

131. Lushness – the property of being lush and abundant

132. Lust – an intense longing; usually intense or unbridled sexual desire

133. Luster – a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface

134. Lustrous – radiant in character or reputation

135. Luxe – luxurious, sumptuous

136. Luxuriant – abundantly and often extravagantly rich and varied; characterized by luxury

137. Luxuriate – to enjoy oneself in luxury; to bask in comfort and pleasure

138. Luxurious – rich in comfort and extravagance; sumptuous

139. Luxury – something that is not essential but desirable and enjoyable

140. Lyrical – expressing the writer’s emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way

141. Lyricalness – expressing deep personal emotion or observations

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Motivational and Positive Adjectives that Start with L to Inspire and Uplift

Positive Adjectives that Start with L

Are you looking for a way to add a touch of positivity and motivation to your daily life? Look no further than the letter L! There are plenty of motivational and positive adjectives that start with L that can inspire and uplift you, no matter what you’re going through.

  • A Laconic – using very few words to express what you mean
  • Ladylike – appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl
  • Laid-back – relaxed and easygoing
  • Large – big in size or amount
  • Large-hearted – sympathetic and generous
  • Lasting – enduring for a long period of time
  • Latest – the most recent news or fashion
  • Laudable – deserving praise; commendable; admirable
  • Lavish – extremely generous in giving or entertaining; extravagant
  • Law-abiding – obedient to the laws of society
  • Lawful – conforming to or allowed
  • Leading – most important
  • Leading-edge – modern; the leading or most important part of a movement
  • Lean – characterized by economy such as of style, expression, or operation
  • Learned – a person having much knowledge acquired by study
  • Legendary – of, relating to, or characteristic of legendary times or traditions; remarkable and inspiring
  • Legal – permitted by law
  • Legit – true; genuine; real
  • Legitimate – conforming to the law or to rules; to make lawful
  • Leisure – free time
  • Leisured – having ample leisure, especially through being rich
  • Leisurely – acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed
  • Lenient – more merciful or tolerant than expected
  • Lettered – having or displaying advanced knowledge or education
  • Level-headed – calm and sensible
  • Liberal – willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas
  • Lighten – to become glad or hopeful
  • Light-hearted – free from worry, anxiety, and care; jolly
  • Light-footed – moving easily
  • Lightsome – having or showing a good mood or disposition
  • Likable – pleasant and agreeable; easy to like or get along with
  • Likeminded – having similar tastes or opinions
  • Limber – able to bend easily without breaking
  • Limitless – without limit or boundary
  • Lionhearted – very brave
  • Lissome – attractively thin and able to move quickly and smoothly
  • Lithe – young, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly
  • Livable – suitable for living in, on, or with
  • Live – existing in fact or reality
  • Lively – full of energy and activity; spirited
  • Living – containing life; having vital force, energy, and action
  • Lofty – elevated in position; ambitious
  • Logical – based on or using sound reasoning; rational
  • Long-lasting – existing or continuing for a long time
  • Long-lived – having a long life; living a long time; lasting a long time
  • Long-standing – long duration
  • Loquacious – talkative; fond of using many words
  • Loud – characterized by or making much noise; forceful and intense
  • Lovable – having qualities that attract affection
  • Lovely – pleasing to the eye or ear; attractive and endearing
  • Loving – feeling or showing love; affectionate
  • Lovesome – lovely, affectionate, amorous
  • Low-key – of low intensity; restrained
  • Low-risk – not likely to result in failure, harm, or injury; not having a lot of risks
  • Loyal – faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
  • Lucent – glowing with or giving off light
  • Lucid – clear, intelligible; easily understood
  • Lucky – having, bringing, or resulting from good luck
  • Ludic – of, relating to, or characterized by play
  • Luminescent – emitting a soft light; shining softly
  • Luminous – shedding or reflecting light; radiating brightness
  • Luscious – having a pleasant sweet taste or containing a lot of juice
  • Lush – rich in beauty and full of natural abundance
  • Lustrous – radiant in character or reputation
  • Luxe – luxurious, sumptuous
  • Luxuriant – abundantly and often extravagantly rich and varied; characterized by luxury
  • Luxurious – rich in comfort and extravagance; sumptuous
  • Lyrical – expressing the writer’s emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way

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Lovely Positive Nouns that Start with the Letter L to Boost Your Mood

Positive Nouns that Start with L

Are you feeling down? Maybe you’ve had a rough day or just need a little pick-me-up. Well, we’ve got just the thing to turn your frown upside down: a list of lovely positive nouns that start with the letter L! L is for love, laughter, and light, and these are all things that can brighten up even the darkest of days.

  • Laconism – brevity or terseness of expression or style
  • Lady – a polite and respectful way to address a woman or girl
  • Landmark – an event, discovery, or change marking a critical stage or turning point in something
  • Largesse – generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others
  • Lark – something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade
  • Latest – the most recent news or fashion
  • Latitude – the power or freedom to act according to one’s own will
  • Laughter – he act of laughing; amusement
  • Laureate – a person or thing that is honored for great achievement or excellence
  • Lavishness – the quality or fact of being free or wasteful in the expenditure of money
  • Lead – to guide, direct, or influence in a particular way; to take charge
  • Leader – a person in control of a group, country, or situation
  • Leadership – the ability to motivate, guide, and direct others in a positive direction
  • Leading-edge – modern; the leading or most important part of a movement
  • Learner – a person who is learning a subject or skill
  • Leeway – freedom to act within particular limits
  • Legacy – something that is a part of your history
  • Legend – a traditional story, often of unknown origin and at least partly popularly supposed to be true; a person or thing with an illustrious reputation
  • Leisure – freedom from occupation or business; time at one’s disposal for rest and relaxation
  • Legit – true; genuine; real
  • Legitimacy – conformity to the law or to rules; ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity
  • Leisure – free time
  • Lender – an organization or person that lends money
  • Leniency – punished less severely than would be expected
  • Lenity – kind, gentle, or compassionate treatment especially towards someone who is undeserving of it
  • Lesson – a unit of teaching that focuses on an idea, skill, or concept
  • Leverage – the capacity to influence others through the exertion of power
  • Levity – lightness of mind or spirit; playful behavior.
  • Liaison – communication between people who work with each other
  • Liberation – the act of setting someone free from oppression, slavery, or confinement
  • Liberator – one who sets others free from bondage, oppression, or restraint
  • Liberty – the right to act, speak, and think freely without hindrance or restraint
  • License – freedom to behave as one wishes
  • Life – one or more aspects of the process of living
  • Lifeline – a thing on which someone depends or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation
  • Lifesaver – someone that gives you a lot of help when you are in a very difficult situation
  • Light – something that makes things visible or affords illumination
  • Linchpin – someone vital to an enterprise or organization
  • Listener – one who listens to someone or something
  • Liveliness – the quality of being outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic
  • Live-wire – an alert, active, or aggressive person
  • Loadstar – one that serves as an inspiration, model, or guide
  • Logic – the reasoned process for arriving at a conclusion based on facts, observations, and assumptions
  • Longevity – prolonged life; lasting for an extended period of time
  • Longing – a strong desire especially for something unattainable; craving
  • Love – a strong feeling of affection and care for another person
  • Love affair –  romantic attachment or episode between lovers; a lively enthusiasm
  • Lovebirds – people who are lovers; people who are in a romantic relationship
  • Lover – someone who likes a specified thing
  • Loving-kindness – tender and benevolent affection
  • Love nest – a place used for amorous and often illicit rendezvous
  • Loyalty – faithful support or allegiance to a person, organization, or cause
  • Lucidity – clearness of expression; transparency and straightforwardness
  • Luck – an outcome that is seemingly beyond one’s control
  • Luminance – the amount of light that is emitted from a body or surface
  • Luminary – a person of prominence or brilliant achievement
  • Luminosity – relative brightness of something
  • Lushness – the property of being lush and abundant
  • Lust – an intense longing; usually intense or unbridled sexual desire
  • Luster – a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface
  • Luxury – something that is not essential but desirable and enjoyable
  • Lyricalness – expressing deep personal emotion or observations

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Inspirational and Positive Verbs that Start with L to Lift Your Spirits

Positive Verbs that Start with L

We all have those days where we feel stuck, unmotivated, and down in the dumps. It’s important to remember that we can shift our mindset and turn our day around. 

One way to do this is by incorporating positive and inspirational verbs into our language. Here are some uplifting verbs that start with the letter L to help lift your spirit.

  • Lark – something done for fun, especially something mischievous or daring; an amusing adventure or escapade
  • Laud – to express approval of; praise
  • Laugh – the act of making a sound with the mouth, expressing joy or amusement
  • Lead – to guide, direct, or influence in a particular way; to take charge
  • Leap – jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force
  • Learn – gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in something by study, experience, or being taught
  • Legitimate – conforming to the law or to rules; make lawful
  • Legitimize – make legal
  • Lend – to give something temporarily to someone else, with the expectation that it will be returned
  • Liberate – to set free from confinement, slavery, oppression, or restraint
  • Lift – to raise or move something to a higher position
  • Like – to find agreeable or enjoyable; to have positive feelings about something
  • Lionize –  give a lot of public attention and approval to someone; treat as a celebrity
  • Listen – to pay attention to sound with the intent of deriving meaning or understanding
  • Live – to be or remain alive; to exist in a particular state or condition
  • Love – a strong feeling of affection and care for another person
  • Lull – to cause someone to feel calm or to feel that they want to sleep
  • Luxuriate – to enjoy oneself in luxury; to bask in comfort and pleasure

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Positive Words that Start with L to Describe a Person

Positive L Words to Describe Someone

When it comes to describing a person, the right words can make all the difference. Positive language not only makes the person feel good, but it also influences the way others perceive them. If you’re looking for words that start with the letter L to describe someone, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of the most inspiring, uplifting, and motivating words that start with L

Large-hearted – a person who is large-hearted is someone who is kind, generous, and compassionate. They have a big heart and are always willing to help others in need. They put others before themselves and are always striving to make a positive impact on the world around them

Laid-back – for a more relaxed and easygoing personality, laid-back is a great word to use. A laid-back person is someone who is calm and relaxed and doesn’t get too worked up over the small stuff. They are often viewed as easy to get along with and fun to be around.

Law-abiding – a law-abiding person is someone who is committed to following the rules and doing what is right. They are often seen as trustworthy and reliable and are valued for their sense of responsibility and integrity.

Leader – a  leader is someone who inspires others to follow their lead. They have a vision for the future and are able to motivate others to achieve their goals. 

Learned – for those who are highly educated and knowledgeable, learned is a great word to use. A learned person is someone who has a deep understanding of a particular field or subject and is often viewed as an authority or expert.

Learner – a learner is someone who is always seeking knowledge and growth. They are curious and open-minded and are always looking for new opportunities to improve themselves and their skills.

Legend – legend is a great word to use to describe someone who is widely admired and respected. A legend is someone who has achieved great things and is remembered for their contributions to society.

Legendary – If you’re looking for a word that conveys a sense of greatness and awe, legendary is a great choice. A legendary person is someone who is revered and celebrated for their accomplishments and is often viewed as a hero or role model.

Lettered – a person who is lettered is someone who is well-educated and knowledgeable. They have a love of learning and are constantly seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world. They are intelligent, well-spoken, and articulate, and they deeply respect words’ power.

Level-headed – a level-headed person is someone who remains calm and rational even in the face of adversity. They are able to think clearly and make wise decisions and are often viewed as a stabilizing force during turbulent times.

Liberal – for those with more progressive views, liberal is a great word to use. A liberal person is someone who values individual freedom and social equality. 

Liberated – if you’re looking for a word that conveys a sense of freedom and independence, liberated is a great choice. Someone who is liberated is free from constraints and limitations and is able to live life on their own terms.

Light-hearted – a light-hearted person is someone who is carefree, optimistic, and cheerful. They always have a smile on their face and can find the good in any situation. 

Lightsome – a person who is lightsome is someone who is cheerful, optimistic, and full of life. They have a bright and sunny personality that makes them a joy to be around. They have a positive outlook on life and are always looking for the silver lining in every situation.

Likable – a likable person is someone who is friendly, approachable, and easy to get along with. They have a warm personality and are able to connect with others on a personal level. 

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pink hydrangea

Limitless – a limitless person is someone who believes in their own potential and is not limited by their circumstances. They have a can-do attitude and are willing to take risks to achieve their goals.

Linchpin – a person who is a linchpin is someone who is an essential component of a successful team or organization. They are reliable, trustworthy, and dependable, and they have the ability to hold everything together. They are problem-solvers who are always looking for ways to improve processes and systems.

Lion-hearted – lion-hearted is a great word to use to describe someone who is brave and courageous. A lion-hearted person is someone who faces challenges and obstacles with strength and determination and is often viewed as a leader and inspiration to others.

Listener – a listener is someone who is attentive, empathetic, and understanding. They are able to give others their full attention and provide support when needed. 

Lively – a lively person is someone who is full of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality. They have a zest for life and are always up for new adventures and experiences.

Loadstar – a loadstar is someone who is a guiding light and a source of inspiration for others. They have a strong sense of purpose and are driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact on the world around them. They are natural leaders who inspire others to greatness

Logical – a logical person is someone who is rational, analytical, and clear-headed. They are able to think critically and make sound decisions based on facts and evidence. 

Lovable – this word perfectly describes someone who is easy to love and brings joy to those around them.

Lovely – a  lovely person is someone who is charming, attractive, and delightful. They have a warm and inviting personality that makes people feel comfortable around them.

Loving – a loving person is someone who is kind, caring, and compassionate. They have a big heart and are always willing to help others. 

Low-key – a person who is low-key is someone who is laid-back, relaxed, and easy-going. They don’t take themselves too seriously and are not easily ruffled by the stresses of life. They have a calm and steady presence that makes them a calming influence on others.

Loyal – A loyal person is someone who is faithful, dependable, and trustworthy. They are committed to their relationships and always there for their friends and family. 

Lucky – a lucky person is someone who is blessed with good fortune and success. They have a positive outlook on life and always seem to attract good things into their lives.

Luminary – a person who is a luminary is someone who is a shining light and a beacon of hope for others. They are inspirational figures who have achieved great things in their lives and have used their success to make a positive impact on the world. They are role models who inspire others to reach for the stars.

Luminous – a luminous person is someone who radiates positivity and joy. They have a bright and shining personality that lights up any room they enter. 

What are Your Favorite Nice Words that Start with L?

positive woman at sunset

In conclusion, incorporating positive words into our daily vocabulary can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and outlook on life. The list of positive words that start with L provides a wide range of options to choose from and experiment with. 

Whether you want to compliment others, uplift your mind, or increase your positive thinking, or kindness there are plenty of encouraging words or inspirational words that start with L to choose from. 

By consciously using these words in our conversations and thoughts, we can cultivate a more positive and optimistic mindset, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life. So, let’s make a conscious effort to choose our words wisely and embrace the power of positivity.

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