80 Best Inspirational and Motivational Quote Tattoos: Ink with Wisdom

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Tattoos have transcended their traditional connotations and are now widely recognized as a medium of personal expression. Among the myriad designs people choose, inspirational and motivational quote tattoos have surged in popularity. These inked words often serve as daily affirmations, guiding principles, or cherished reminders of one’s values and aspirations.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance behind quote tattoos, discuss the process of choosing the perfect quote, explore popular and unique choices, provide design and placement tips, and hopefully highlight the profound impact of these inspirational tattoo words.

Table of Contents

Why Choose Inspirational and Motivational Tattoo Quotes?

The Power of Words

Words possess an incredible power to inspire, motivate, and resonate deeply with our emotions. A single inspiring quote can encapsulate a lifetime of experiences, a philosophy, or a goal. This is why many individuals choose to permanently etch meaningful quotes onto their bodies. Perhaps the best form of self-expression.

A Personal Mantra

Tattoos are deeply personal. Choosing a quote that resonates with you can serve as a personal mantra. This mantra can help center your thoughts and provide a sense of grounding when life gets tough. 

Daily Motivation

Having a motivational quote tattooed on your body can serve as a daily source of inspiration. Imagine starting your day with a glance at a quote that fuels your drive and ambition.

Unique Expression

Inspirational tattoos are a unique way to express your values and beliefs. Quote tattoos can also be conversation starters and connect you with like-minded individuals.

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woman with Inspirational and Motivational Quote Tattoos

Choosing the Right Quote for Your Tattoo

Choosing the right quote for a tattoo is a deeply personal decision that requires careful consideration. Here are a few tips to help you choose a quote tattoo that truly reflects your beliefs and aspirations:

Reflect Personal Beliefs

Start by identifying quotes that align with your core values and life goals. These words should resonate with your philosophy and have a lasting significance. Think about quotes that have inspired you in the past or words that encapsulate your outlook on life.

Consider Longevity

Choose a quote you will appreciate for years to come. Trends come and go, but a timeless quote will always hold meaning. Reflect on whether the words will still resonate with you as you grow and evolve, not just in 2024.

Do Your Research

Make sure the quote is accurate and correct. Mistakes can detract from the significance of your tattoo. 

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Top Inspirational and Motivational Quote Tattoos

Inspirational and Motivational Quote Tattoos

There are countless inspirational quotes that individuals choose for their tattoos. Here are some classic and well-loved options, as well as a few unique finds for whether you’re seeking your first tattoo or not:

1. “And still I rise.” ― Maya Angelou

Despite facing numerous challenges, Angelou’s words remind us that we possess an inherent strength to overcome adversity.

2. “Do small things with great love.” ― Mother Teresa

This phrase emphasizes the significance of intentionality and mindfulness in our actions. Even the simplest tasks can become meaningful when performed with love and care. 

3. Dream big, work hard, stay humble.” ― Brad Meltzer

Meltzer’s quote offers a balanced approach to achieving success. It encourages us to set ambitious goals, put in the necessary effort, and remain grounded throughout our journey.

4. “Serenity, courage, wisdom.” Reinhold Niebuhr

The Serenity Prayer often quoted as “Serenity, courage, wisdom,”  encourages us to seek serenity in accepting things we cannot change, courage to change what we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

5. “Where there is love there is life.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi’s quote emphasizes the fundamental importance of love in our existence. Love is not merely a romantic sentiment; it is a universal force that can drive our actions, shape our relationships, and define our purpose. 

6. “Find joy in the journey.” — Thomas S. Monson

This quote invites us to appreciate the process rather than just the destination. It reminds us that life is made up of moments, and finding joy in the journey enriches our experience.

7. “Live the life you love; love the life you live.” — Kathryn Marie Thurman

This quote emphasizes the importance of creating a life that aligns with your passions and values. It encourages us to take control of our lives and find contentment in our daily existence.

8. “The best is yet to come.” — Frank Sinatra

The quote is a beacon of hope and optimism. It suggests that no matter where you are in life, there are still greater things ahead.

9. “The only way out is through.” — Robert Frost

This quote emphasizes the importance of facing our problems directly. Life is fraught with difficulties, but avoiding them only prolongs the inevitable. By confronting our challenges, we grow stronger and more resilient.

10. “What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger” — Friedrich Nietzsche

This phrase suggests that the adversities we face in life, rather than breaking us, have the potential to make us more resilient.

11. “The only constant is change” — Heraclitus

This quote underscores the inevitability of change and the importance of adaptability. It suggests that change is a natural part of life and that resisting it can lead to stagnation and frustration.

12. “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” — James Dean

James Dean encourages us to dream big and envision a future filled with possibilities, while also reminding us to cherish and make the most of the present moment. 

13. “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”

This ancient Japanese proverb encapsulates the essence of resilience. The key message here is not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up.

14. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” — Steve Jobs

“Stay hungry” signifies the importance of maintaining a relentless drive and curiosity, while “stay foolish” encourages us to embrace risk and not fear failure.

15. “Take a breath and be strong.”

“Take a breath and be strong” encourages us to pause and gather our strength before facing life’s difficulties. This quote highlights the importance of mindfulness and the power of taking a moment to center ourselves.

16. “Have courage and be kind”

This quote, popularized by the movie “The Tale of Cinderella,” emphasizes the importance of two virtues: courage and kindness.

17. “She believed she could, so she did.” — R.S. Grey

“She believed she could, so she did” encapsulates the transformative power of self-belief. When we have confidence in our abilities, we are more likely to take risks, pursue our goals, achieve success, and live our best life. 

18. “There is sun after rain, love after pain.” ― Ventum

This quote speaks to the cyclical nature of life, where challenges and hardships are followed by periods of growth and renewal. It reminds us that difficult times are temporary and that brighter days are ahead.

19. “If not now, when?” ― Hillel the Elder

The underlying message is clear: there is no better time than the present to start making meaningful changes in your life. It challenges the tendency to procrastinate and encourages immediate action towards our goals and dreams. 

20. “Do or do not, there is no try” ― Yoda

From the iconic “Star Wars” series, this quote by Jedi Master Yoda is a call to commitment and action. It’s a strong statement for those who believe in giving their all to their endeavors.

21. “This too shall pass.”

The phrase is often attributed to ancient Persian wisdom and is a powerful reminder of life’s impermanence. Whether we are experiencing joy or sorrow, this quote encourages us to recognize that all emotions and situations are temporary.

22. “To thine own self be true.” ― William Shakespeare

This quote from Shakespeare’s Hamlet emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself. It speaks to the value of authenticity and integrity in our actions and decisions.

23. “Not all those who wander are lost.” ― J. R. R. Tolkien

This quote from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings reminds us that exploration and wandering do not equate to aimlessness. It encourages us to embrace the journey, even if the destination is not immediately clear.

24. “Inhale the future, exhale the past.” ― Samantha Chase

This quote encourages us to embrace the future with open arms while letting go of the past. Inhaling the future signifies welcoming new opportunities, ideas, and experiences. It’s about being optimistic and looking forward to what’s ahead.

25. “And though she be but little, she is fierce.” ― William Shakespeare

From Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” this quote is often chosen by those who want to celebrate their inner strength despite their physical size.

26. “You are stronger than you think.” ― A.A. Milne

This quote from the creator of Winnie the Pooh serves as a reminder of inner strength and resilience. It’s perfect for anyone who needs a boost of confidence and encouragement.

27. “Stars cannot shine without darkness.” ― Alice Feeney

This positive quote is a poignant reminder that our brightest moments often emerge from our darkest times. Just as stars are most visible against the night sky, our strengths and talents can become more apparent when we face challenges and adversity.

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Unique Motivational and Inspirational Quote Tattoos

man holding tattoo gun

28. “I am the sea and nobody owns me.” ― Pippi Longstocking

By likening oneself to the sea, the quote underlines the importance of maintaining one’s independence and resisting attempts by others to control or define oneself.

29. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” ― William Ernest Henley

From William Ernest Henley’s poem Invictus, this quote emphasizes personal agency and the power to shape our own destinies. It encourages us to take responsibility for our actions and decisions.

30. “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” ― Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy

This quote from O’Shaughnessy’s poem Ode celebrates the creative spirit and the importance of dreaming. It acknowledges that those who dare to dream and create are the ones who shape the world.

31. “We are all stardust and stories” ― Erin Morgenstern

Erin Morgenstern’s poetic quote reminds us of our connection to the universe and the stories that shape our lives. It speaks to the idea that we are made of the same elements as stars and that our experiences weave the narrative of our existence.

32. “Pain shapes a woman into a warrior.” ― R. H. Sin

This powerful quote highlights the transformative power of pain and adversity. It suggests that through facing and overcoming challenges, women can develop strength, resilience, and a warrior-like spirit.

33. “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” ― Louisa May Alcott

Alcott’s quote illustrates the importance of facing challenges with confidence and a willingness to learn. Life’s storms are inevitable, but it is our response to them that defines our journey.

34. “Be enough for yourself first, the rest of the world can wait.”

In a fast-paced world, this quote serves as a reminder to prioritize self-care and personal well-being. It encourages us to take a step back from the demands and distractions of the external world and focus on nurturing ourselves.

35. “Nothing loved is ever lost or perished.” — Madeleine L’Engle

This quote offers comfort and solace, suggesting that the love and connections we form are eternal. Even when we lose someone or something dear to us, the love we share and the memories we create continue to live on. 

36. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” — Lewis Carroll

Carroll’s quote emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities and taking risks. Regret often stems from inaction and the fear of the unknown.

37. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” —  Jeniffer Lee

Lee offers a powerful call to action, urging individuals to pursue their passions with courage and determination. It encourages us to break free from fear and embrace the things that truly make us feel alive.

38. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” — Carl Jung

Jung reminds us that while our past experiences shape us, they do not define us. We have the power to choose our path and become who we want to be.

39. “The only limit is the one you set yourself.” — Felix Baumgartner

This quote is a powerful reminder that our potential is often constrained by our own beliefs and attitudes.

40. “Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads and accommodations.” — Oliver Goldsmith

Life is often unpredictable and fraught with challenges. Oliver Goldsmith’s quote serves as a reminder that we must continue our journey despite the obstacles we encounter.

41. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Dreams are the seeds of innovation, progress, and personal fulfillment. They inspire us to set goals, take risks, and strive for excellence.

42. “Let your faith be bigger than your fear.”

This Bible verse encourages us to prioritize faith over fear. Faith, in this context, refers to a deep-seated belief in ourselves, our abilities, and the possibilities that lie ahead. Fear, on the other hand, often holds us back, preventing us from taking risks and pursuing our goals.

43. “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.” — Albert Camus

Albert Camus’ quote beautifully captures the concept of finding inner strength and resilience during difficult times. The “invincible summer” represents a source of unwavering positivity and hope that resides within us.

44. We can only discover our true strength through struggle.” ― Vironika Tugaleva

Tugaleva’s quote highlights the transformative power of challenges and adversity in uncovering our inner strength.

45. “Don’t dream your life, live your dream.”

This quote urges us to take action and transform our dreams into reality. It serves as a reminder that life is meant to be lived fully, not just imagined.

46. “Without struggle, there is no progress.”— Frederick Douglas

Struggles are often viewed negatively, but they are essential for growth and progress. This quote highlights the importance of embracing challenges as opportunities for development.

47. “But the fighter still remains.” — Simon & Garfunkel

From the lyrics of The Boxer, this phrase celebrates the indomitable spirit of those who, despite facing numerous battles, continue to fight. It’s a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength within each of us.

48. “Lights will guide you home.” — Coldplay

From the Coldplay song, Fix You, The quote speaks to finding guidance and hope even in the darkest times. It suggests that there is always a light, whether it is a person, a memory, or a belief, that can lead us back to a place of comfort and safety.

49. “The good memories are for the tough times.”

“The good memories are for the tough times” reminds us that positive memories can serve as a source of strength and comfort during difficult periods. 

50. “Miles to go before I sleep.” — Robert Frost

This line from Frost’s poem Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is often associated with the idea that life is a continuous journey of learning and growth. It implies that no matter how far we have come, there is always more to achieve and discover.

51. “I’m the hero of this story, I don’t need to be saved”Regina Spektor

Spektor’s quote is a powerful reminder of self-reliance and empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of taking control of our own narratives and recognizing our capability to overcome obstacles.

52. “I am not afraid to walk this world alone.” — My Chemical Romance

This quote from the song Famous Last Words speaks to the strength and courage required to pursue one’s path, even in the face of solitude or adversity.

53. “Keep searching, keep growing.”

This quote encourages a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and personal development. It suggests that growth is an ongoing journey that requires curiosity and a willingness to learn.

54. “Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive.” Mary Ann Weir

This quote suggests that the challenges and hardships we face can ultimately make us stronger and more resilient. 

55. “And the rain will make the flowers grow.” — Victor Hugo

This phrase reminds us that difficulties can lead to growth and positive outcomes. Just as rain nurtures flowers, hardships can cultivate resilience and strength within us.

56. “If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.” — Buddha

This quote emphasizes the importance of releasing negative influences and burdens that hinder our progress.

57. “Your now is not your forever.” — John Green

This quote encourages us to remain hopeful and resilient, knowing that better days lie ahead. Our current circumstances are temporary and subject to change.

58. “Live the life you have imagined” — Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau encourages individuals to pursue their dreams and live authentically. It’s a call to align your actions with your deepest desires and to create a life that reflects your true self.

59. “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — J. K. Rowling

This quote from Dumbledore of the Harry Potter series is a reminder that hope and happiness can be found even in challenging times. It’s a great source of inspiration for those going through difficult periods.

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Short Positive Quote Tattoo Ideas

tattoo with quote "freedom"

60. “Be here now” — Ram Dass

Dass emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. In a world constantly vying for our attention, being truly present can improve our mental and emotional well-being.

61. “Know your worth.” ― Sharon M. Peterson

Peterson encourages us to recognize our value and not settle for less than we deserve. This quote is particularly relevant in personal relationships and professional settings. 

62. “Don’t just exist, live.” ― Roy T. Bennett

This quote urges us to move beyond mere survival and embrace life with enthusiasm and purpose.

63. “Be your own sun.”

To “be your own sun” means to generate your positivity and drive from within, rather than relying on external sources for validation and motivation.

64. “I am enough.”

This phrase is a powerful affirmation that underscores the importance of self-acceptance and self-worth. It serves as a reminder that you have inherent value just as you are, without needing to prove yourself to anyone.

65. “Live a little.”

To “live a little” is to embrace spontaneity and to find joy in the present moment. This quote reminds us that life is not just about responsibilities and obligations but also about enjoying small pleasures and taking risks.

66. “Live, Laugh, Love”

“Live, Laugh, Love” is a modern mantra emphasizing the importance of living life fully, finding joy in the little things, and cherishing love in all its forms. 

67. “Love conquers all” — Virgil

This timeless quote suggests that love has the power to overcome any obstacle. It implies that love is a unifying and healing force that transcends difficulties and conflicts. 

68. “Let it be” — Paul McCartney

At its core, “Let it be” is about acceptance and peace. It encourages us to let go of our need to control every aspect of our lives and instead, embrace things as they are.

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Inspirational Tattoo Quotes in Different Languages

Sometimes, the beauty of a quote can be enhanced by expressing it in a different language. Here are some inspirational quote tattoo ideas in various languages:

Empowering Quote Tattoos Find Your Inspiration


69. “Veni, Vidi, Vici” — “I came, I saw, I conquered.”

70. “Omnia Vincit Amor “ — “Love conquers all.” 

71. “Carpe Diem” —  “Seize the day”


72. “La vie est belle” — “Life is beautiful.”

73. “Je ne regrette rien” — “I regret nothing.”

74. “Mille tendresse”  — “one thousand tendernesses.” (a quote tattoo of Ariana Grande).


75. “Vive y deja vivir” — “Live and let live.”

76. “La vida es un viaje” — “Life is a journey.”

77. “Paz y amor” “Peace and love”


78. “La dolce vita” — “The sweet life.”

79. “Vivi e lascia vivere” — “Live and let live.”

80. “L’amore domina senza regole.” — “Love rules without rules.”


81. “一期一会 (Ichigo ichie)” — “the one chance in a lifetime.”

82. “七転び八起き (Nanakorobi yaoki)”— “Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

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Design and Placement Tips for Tattoos with Quotes

woman getting a quote tattoo

Once you’ve chosen the perfect quote, that has a personal meaning to you, the next step is to decide on the design and placement of your tattoo. Here are some tips to help you make these decisions:

Font Styles and Sizes

The font style and size (big or small) can significantly impact the overall look of your quote tattoo. Here are some recommendations to help you choose a font for your new tat:

  • Script Fonts: Elegant and flowing, script fonts or cursive fonts are a popular choice for quote tattoos.
  • Typewriter Fonts: These fonts give a vintage, classic look to your tattoo and are ideal for longer quotes.
  • Bold Fonts: For a strong, impactful statement, consider bold fonts. They are easy to read and stand out prominently on the skin.
  • Custom Fonts: Many tattoo artists can create custom fonts or unique typography that blends elements of different styles to match your vision perfectly.

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Combining Quotes with Other Elements

tattoo gun on yellow background

To enhance the visual appeal of your inspirational or motivational quote, consider incorporating additional design elements. These tattoo design elements can complement the message of your quote and create a unique and personalized tattoo.

Floral Designs

Flowers are a popular addition to quote tattoos, symbolizing growth, beauty, and life. Roses, lotuses, and cherry blossoms are commonly used and can be placed around or alongside the quote.

Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns add a modern and artistic touch to quote tattoos. Triangles, circles, and mandalas are popular choices that can frame or highlight your quote.

Birds and Feathers

Birds and feathers often symbolize freedom, hope, and new beginnings. These elements can be seamlessly integrated with your quote to enhance its meaning.

Abstract Art

Abstract designs allow for a high degree of personalization and creativity. These elements can be tailored to reflect your unique style and the message of your quote.

Placement Ideas

Of course, your next ink can be placed anywhere on the body. However, the placement of your quote tattoo is crucial for both visibility and personal comfort. Here are some popular areas to consider:

  • Forearm: A popular choice for its visibility and ease of display, forearm quote tattoos are ideal for medium-length quotes.
  • Ribcage: For a more private tattoo consider a rib quote tattoo, the ribcage offers a larger canvas and can accommodate longer quotes or additional design elements.
  • Heart: an inspiring tattoo around your heart is perfect for expressing self-love and is a favorite of tattoo lovers.
  • Wrist: A discreet yet visible spot, the wrist is perfect for shorter motivational phrases, simple quotes, or single words.
  • Back: The upper back provides ample space for longer meaningful quote tattoos or intricate designs, while the lower back offers a more concealed placement.
  • Collarbone: A delicate and elegant area, the collarbone is ideal for shorter quotes and adds a touch of sophistication.
  • Behind the Ear: A tattoo behind the ear is a subtle yet stylish choice. It’s perfect for short quotes or single words that hold significant meaning. This placement offers a touch of mystery while remaining easily concealable.
  • Shoulder Blade: The shoulder blade provides a broad canvas for longer quotes and intricate designs. This placement is less visible, offering a private yet significant reminder.
  •  Spine: A spine tattoo is both dramatic and personal. This vertical placement is ideal for longer quotes that can follow the natural curve of your back.
  • Upper Thigh: The upper thigh is a less common but highly personal area for quote tattoos. This spot offers a large canvas and is easily covered by clothing. It’s a great choice for those who want a meaningful tattoo that isn’t always on display.
  • Inner Bicep: The inner bicep is a unique and personal placement for a motivational quote. It’s less visible to others, making it an ideal private reminder of your strength and resilience.
  • Ankle: The ankle is a popular spot for small, delicate quotes. It’s a versatile area that can be easily hidden or displayed, depending on your footwear.
  • Foot: Tattooing a quote on your foot can be a constant reminder to stay grounded. This placement is often chosen for its elegance and the ability to be easily hidden or shown off with footwear choices.

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What’s your Best Tattoo Quote?

getting a tattoo

Inspirational and motivational quote tattoos are more than just body art; they are powerful affirmations that can inspire, motivate, and resonate deeply with our emotions. 

These inspirational and motivational quote tattoos can serve as daily permanent reminders of our values, goals, and resilience. 

We encourage you to think deeply about what inspires you before getting a tattoo. What words have guided you through tough times? What messages resonate with your journey? What is the best daily reminder for you?

Whether you want a quote tattoo about life, a positive quote, or a quote tattoo about strength, there is something for you!

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